Rise, Transit and Set times for the source(s) at GMRT
Observing date:
Elevation Limit (degree) :
Source RA Dec Epoch
Enter the source coordinates in to the box :
3C147 05h38m43.50s +49d49'42.7" 1950. 3C48 01h37m41.30s +33d09'35.13" 2000. 3C286 13h31m08.29s +30d30'33.0" 2000.
VLA Calibrators list
Important Notes:
GMRT Latitude:
, Longitune :
Elevation limit (Min) :
Sky covered by GMRT:
Declination +90d00' to -53d54'.
If source sets after midnight, please re-submit the querry using the next observing day to determine the set time.